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Guywire Ministry

Happy Thanksgiving from Guywire

What do you hunger for?

For many of us we answer that question today with our favorite holiday dish.

For a small band of people 401 years ago they hungered for something more...The Word of God.

This small band of pilgrims left all they knew, left the comfort of their homes, left relationships, left hot meals behind. They traded this known life for the unknown frontier, all for the pursuit of God and His Word.

They traveled across a vast ocean when it was a perilous thing to do. They traveled to a land that was unsettled, a place with no homes for them.

They risked all they had and all they knew, because they hungered for something more.

They traded full bellies for full spirits.

What do you hunger for today? What do you hunger for every day?

Let us be thankful to God that each of us enjoys the freedom to feast on His Word.

"Let them give thanks to The Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things."

Psalm 107:8-9

Your Brothers in Christ,

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2021

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