His ways are not our ways, and we are grateful for that.
His thoughts are above our thoughts, and we are grateful for that.
The ways of God are in stark contrast to the ways of our world.
The paths He calls us to walk are ones of His choosing.
No person could conceive of them. No person could construct them.
Only our Creator could create the life He has called us to lead.
He calls us to walk different ways.
Paths we had never dreamed of when our lives were young.
Paths that can lead into unfamiliar places that move us out of our comfort zone.
But His Ways, have purpose.
Today is a clear reminder of that.
He called a band of His children to set out on a path they never conceived.
He led them to a place that was completely outside anything that they were familiar with.
This land we call home, He destined that they live here.
This place familiar to us, He determined that they build new lives here.
This path of our Pilgrims, He destined to be our country.
God calls us to different ways.
He beckons us to a better life.
He has planned a path for each of us that is better than what we could have dreamed.
Today let us be grateful for The Way, His Son Jesus.
Today let us give thanks for the understanding He gives of His ways.
Today let us be joined in gratitude for the way He has chosen for each of us.
Remarkable things can transform the course of our days when we choose His Way.
Today, we are grateful for Him and we are grateful to Him for all of you in sharing His Way with us.
“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”
Psalm 25:4-5