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Guywire Ministry
Dec 25, 20231 min read
Merry CHRISTmas from Guywire
There is a Way. A way that leads to a better life. One than we have any right to hope for. This way was made for us. It was set aside. A...
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Guywire Ministry
Nov 23, 20232 min read
Happy Thanksgiving from Guywire
His ways are not our ways, and we are grateful for that. His thoughts are above our thoughts, and we are grateful for that. The ways of...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20232 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - HOPE - Day 1
Psalm 146:5 Welcome! We are excited to walk this unique journey with all of you over the next several weeks. We pray your hearts be...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20232 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 40
Nehemiah 8:12 The Words of God. Cause to celebrate, Over these last 40 days we’ve journeyed together as we’ve gained understanding of...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 39
Psalm 107:43 Steadfast and wise. The steadfast love of God is what we need to remember. His love is the core of who He is. When we...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 38
Psalm 119:148 I’ve been there. Waking suddenly in the small hours. Waking to a rush of concerns, problems, fears. From sleep to sudden...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 37
Psalm 119:89-96 This past weekend 46 men hiked, in perfect weather throughout the White Mountains. God’s creation provided the perfect...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 36
Psalm 119:27 The writer of psalm 119 gets it. Let me explain what I mean. The psalmist recognizes the value of thinking deeply and often...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 35
Psalm 1:1-4 Today we read some powerful words that open up the Book of Psalms. The contrast between two ways is striking: there is the...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 34
Joshua 1:8 Let’s take today’s verse sentence by sentence, even piece by piece, and talk about it. It seems a simple formula, and very...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20232 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 33
1 John 1:1 John begins both his gospel and his letter in the same way, by acknowledging that Jesus is The Living Word of God. That should...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 32
Psalm 119:93 This scripture is part of a much longer chapter giving focus to God’s precepts - God’s rules that guide us, keep us in check...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20232 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 31
Matthew 13:23 Today’s passage is taken from the parable of The Sower. In it, Jesus describes the four conditions of the human heart and...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 30
Matthew 7:24-29 Hear and act. Do and do not. Wise and foolish. The teacher must teach. The student must apply the teachings. This is...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 29
Matthew 7:24-29 Hear and act. Do and do not. Wise and foolish. The teacher must teach. The student must apply the teachings. This is...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 28
Ezekiel 3:10 God’s command to the Prophet Ezekiel is unmistakable: Heed God’s Word. It seems incredible that this is such a radical...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20232 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 27
John 1:1-4 This passage identifies Jesus as The Word incarnate. He is the living promise. Jesus came to keep God’s promise to be near to...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20232 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 26
Psalm 119:25 How’s your faith these days? These past several years have taken a toll on many of us.The stressors, the worries, the...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20232 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 25
Psalm 112:1 What are we being called to delight in here? We need to be careful not to drive by the first part of this passage. It is a...
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Guywire Ministry
Apr 1, 20231 min read
Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 24
1 Thessalonians 4:18 It seems like lately I’m craving a lot of encouragement. Maybe it’s the naked depravity of our society, or the...
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