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Theme for a Decade!

Guywire Ministry

We are called to Praise.

God calls us to this not only because He is our God. He calls us to this because He knows the impact intentional Praise can have on our lives.

We use the word intentional here because praise is something we can take for granted. Sometimes we praise God reflexively whether in prayer or in church. But have you ever thought about why God puts such a premium on this act?

Praise puts us in a place to receive God's grace. This is critically important in this time. Each of us is dealing with raging storms around us. These challenges take the form of pandemic, health risk to family or risk to our livelihood just to name a few. Some days it can feel like we're being piled on.

It is in these times we face a choice of where to look. Will we fix our eyes on the challenges in front of us or will we lift our eyes to the one who is above all these challenges. This is where Praise of God becomes a powerful tool in our toolbox. When we choose to exalt God above our challenges, it refocuses our eyes back to God and puts us in a place to receive the answers and the help we need to overcome the challenges in front of us.

Praise puts us in a position to receive God's grace.

There are so many benefits to our lives when we Praise God. A key aspect in praise is Remembering. Remembering what God has done in the past, conditions us to look to Him first when trouble comes, instead of seeing Him as a last resort. When we remember what God has done in The Bible and how He has moved in our lives, even in these days, it fills us with Hope. Something that seems in short supply right now.

This year will continue our journey from last season. This will be a journey of maturing. A journey to deepen our understanding of God, to discover the true power of Praise and the reason why God puts such an emphasis on it.

This is the perfect theme to explore as we remember and Celebrate all that God has done in 10 years of ministry.

Join us on this journey and learn why Wise Men Praise God.

We'll have move information coming about this year's CONNECT Experience and the new 40 Day Study as well as other connection and growth opportunities that will dive deep into the theme of PRAISE.

"Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise The Lord"

Psalm 102:18

Your Brothers in Christ,

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2020

We are here for you. If any of you has questions or needs to talk with one of us in the weeks ahead, please contact us.

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