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Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 36

Guywire Ministry

The writer of psalm 119 gets it. Let me explain what I mean.

The psalmist recognizes the value of thinking deeply and often about all the wonderful works of God. He WANTS to meditate on God’s goodness and awesomeness. We should all desire this. In fact, we are encouraged in more than 1 place in the Bible to recall God’s past grace in our lives. If you’ve never listed all the tangible and real ways God has rescued you, blessed you, healed you, enriched you, then you should! But that’s an encouragement for another day.

There is something else the psalmist realizes here, and he asks God to help him with it. The writer asks for an understanding of God’s Law – The Word. Why? it’s because the psalmist knows that if he can get to know God better, understand His character more truly, know the width and breadth of God’s love more fully, then recalling and meditating on His wonderful deeds becomes an exercise in joy. In other words, God’s blessings, seen through the magnifying glass of a deep understanding and appreciation of The Word, become more personal, more poignant, more meaningful, and more a part of your relationship with Him. Safe to say that your appreciation and love for God will grow.

Hmm. Maybe it’s time to make that list after all!

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