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Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 18

Guywire Ministry

God commands us, instructs us, protects us and saves us through His Word. That is a remarkable set of gifts we are given simply because He loved us first. Remember, we are given these gifts through God’s grace and not because we, in any way, earned them.

If we have been given such great gifts, then it follows that we should be happy about that. Right?

This passage puts it plainly. Here it is: We are to delight in The Word. This should be our natural response to these gifts.

Since the word delight may not be really common in our everyday lives, remember that “delight” is used multiple times in Psalm 119 to convey “a high degree of great pleasure, joy, and extreme satisfaction.”

Great Pleasure.


Extreme Satisfaction.

This is the result of a life lived in The Word!

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2022

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