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Guywire's 40 Day Study - The Word - Day 17

Guywire Ministry

God is one big waiting game. Why bother praying? Why bother reading The Bible? All He’s going to do is make me wait.

Ever hear those words? Ever think those words? Ever say those words? I have.

When God gave us this theme last summer this passage put a hook in my heart and wouldn’t let go. It spoke right to the core of a lie I can wrestle with sometimes. Especially in the face of troubled times. And this past year has had its share of troubles. For many of us.

Throughout The Word, God promises numerous times that He listens and hears our pleas. He can see our struggles, the challenges of these days. He promises to move on our behalf and meet us at the point we really need Him.

But the waiting. Sometimes it feels like He’ll get around to us when He has time.

That is a lie.

This passage is like an arrow through the heart of that lie. A lie that can pull our eyes off of God when we’re moments from seeing His intervention.

Life is perspective. We are very linear in our perspective. In this ever growing age of instant gratification, today can seem like years.

God is not in our perspective. He is not ruled by our perspective. He sees the big picture of each moment of each day of your entire life. He knows exactly when His help is needed.

When He determines to move for us, His command to make this intervention come about, does not tarry.

He designed His Word to be for us. He destined His Word to be for you. Trust this. Know this. Take strength from this. When God issues words regarding your life, the impact of those words will be felt swiftly.

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2022

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