He hears.
He is listening.
There is someone on the other end of the line.
You are not talking to empty space.
Yes…God hears you!
The important truth to understand, to imbed deep down in the core of your being is when you praise God, when you cry out to God, He does hear you.
God is not distant. Thoughts that God does not care, that He is too busy to be concerned or that He has more important things to worry about are lies. They run contrary to today’s passage. They run counter to similar promises repeated throughout the breadth of The Bible.
God deemed it so important for us to know He hears us that He sent Jesus to be the embodiment of The Lord hearing our prayers.
No matter what you are enduring, no matter how you feel in your heart, no matter the fears rising in your eyes, stop and look up. Call out to God and know He is listening.
Your Brothers in Christ,
Guywire Ministry
Copyright 2021
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