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Easter Message from Guywire

Guywire Ministry

Praise God.

Praise Him for Jesus.

The gift that Jesus was and is to each of us.

Exalt Jesus. Lift up your voice. Give Him thanks.

Give Him thanks for standing in front of us and sacrificing Himself.

God heard our cry. He heard our loneliness. We were distant from His presence.

This life seemed so dimmed without the light of His being in our lives.

Then Jesus stepped in.

It is right that today we remember the culmination of that act of love.

Opening the door back into the presence of God.

These have been trying days. Sometimes we forget what Jesus did.

Sometimes in these days we feel alone again. The light of life can appear dimmed.

This is an illusion. Resist this lie.

The door that Jesus opened will never be closed again. God is near.

He is near in the challenges. He is near in the storm. He is near every time you see only darkness.

In these moments pause and remember. Look up and remember what Jesus did.

Exalt Him for the love He showed. Praise Him for the faith He forged in your heart.

See Him for what He is, bigger than every challenge in front of you.

Jesus rose this day to prove to you and I that we no longer had to live in fear. We no longer had to live in dread.

This year has been long. There have been days you can feel the cracks.

It seems as though the road through this valley has no end.

But take heart. You are not alone.

Give Him thanks. For the Son also shines in the valley.

Your Brothers in Christ,

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2021

We are here for you. If any of you has questions or needs to talk with one of us in the weeks ahead, please contact us.

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