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40 Day Study -Understanding - Day 4

Guywire Ministry


Today’s scripture is about ascribing value to the Kingdom of Heaven. Every kingdom must have a king and scripture tells us that King Jesus will reign for eternity after his triumphant return.

Jesus uses objects of value we can relate to in these parables, namely treasure and fine pearls. I am struck by the fact that the only reason we consider these items to be of great value is that we have a currency system that has been established and that these things could be sold for tangible dollars or another form of currency.

If the treasure or fine pearls are not converted to currency how valuable are they? The true value is only realized by the conversion.

So it is with the Kingdom of Heaven. The value is only realized when a conversion takes place. In effect, by taking ourselves off the the throne of our lives and acknowledging the one true King. The King that laid down His life for His people.

Acknowledge His death on the cross for you personally and in exchange you will receive a slice of heaven. Nothing on this earth is of more value and it can never be taken away.

Carpe’ Diem

Your Brothers in Christ,

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2020

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