What a wonderful scripture to meditate on. The same God who in the beginning said “let there be light” in effect said “let there be life” as He rose His Son Jesus from the grave.
Once we receive this gift of Christ dying for our sinfulness and rising to conquer death we are told it is then we receive The Holy Spirit.
It is The Holy Spirit who is the catalyst which shines in our hearts. The reality is that God and His Son Jesus don’t physically impact you with peace, wisdom or truth without the influence of The Holy Spirit.
It has always struck me that before Jesus ascended back up to heaven after rising from the dead, walking the earth for 40 days and being seen by 500 people that He said the following:
It is better that I go away to make way for The Advocate, The Paraclete, The Helper, The Holy Spirit that will lead you in all truth. It speaks volumes that the one who healed the lame, gave sight to the blind and raised the dead says it is better to make way for The Holy Spirit. Quite an endorsement.
Finally, the older I get, the more people in my life are passing away. For those that have accepted Christ as their Savior there is a joy in knowing that they will be greeted by the glory of Christ’s face on their first day of eternity in heaven.
“Let there be Life...In Christ”
Your Brothers in Christ,
Guywire Ministry
Copyright 2020
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