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40 Day Study -Understanding - Day 35

Guywire Ministry


Have you ever taken a mulligan? If you’re as poor a golfer as I am, you’ve certainly needed to take plenty! For those who don’t golf, a mulligan is a “do over,” a chance to ignore a bad shot and take another swing without penalty. 

In today’s reading, we read about what seems to be a mulligan. The Lord tells the prophet Ezekiel that he will remove our heart of stone, and give his people a new heart and put a new spirit in them. 

A little context makes this story even more amazing. Ezekiel lived with his fellow exiles in Babylon. Jerusalem was under siege and was falling. A few chapters before today's reading, we also learn that Ezekiel's wife died. I can only imagine what a low point this must have been for Ezekiel and all of the exiles. Yet, the Lord told Ezekiel not to openly mourn for his wife as a sign to the people not to openly mourn for Jerusalem. Why? They would experience revival and restoration. It was a chance to start over, a mulligan of sorts.

No matter how bleak things might seem on any given day, we have reason to be hopeful. God can transform us and has given us everything we need. Unlike a mulligan in golf, we don't have to “swing” by ourselves in our daily walk. God has given us His Holy Spirit to help us and guide us in our spiritual growth. Let us rejoice in knowing that God cares deeply about our spiritual growth, and that we are never alone in this journey.

Your Brothers in Christ,

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2020

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