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Guywire Ministry

40 Day Study -Understanding - Day 33


Anticipation of the big reveal.  

That’s the experience most of us have had at theaters and cinemas throughout our lives. Someone pulls back the curtain and our world is illuminated with wonder and knowledge of what was hidden from us.

In similar fashion the Psalmist is stating that when God speaks, wonders and knowledge are revealed. He is reinforcing the inherent value and impact in each of God’s Words.  

He gives depth.  As He reveals His Word, He reveals truths about who He is to each of us and what that means to all areas of our lives.  God desires this.  Unlike the showman at the theater, God desires to pull back the curtain and reveal His deep wisdom and insights so that we may walk in His way of understanding.

The Parable of the Sower teaches us that the condition of our heart has a direct bearing on our ability to understand what God longs to reveal to us. These past few weeks have focused on the conditions Jesus cautioned us about. Conditions that could impede our growth and depth with God.

This last week of our study together we’ll shift our focus to the desired condition, Condition 4.  This is the place God has for each of us.  A Spirit-led life, where knowledge of Him is nurtured into an immense depth of understanding and close relationship, as He shepherds us on the path He chose for us before we drew our first breath.

Your Brothers in Christ,

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2020

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