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40 Day Study -Understanding - Day 3


In today’s passage we are told to get wisdom and understanding. I can’t think of anything more valuable than understanding God’s Word and the wisdom that results from it.

Like we see throughout the proverbs, this chapter begins with a reference to a father’s instruction to his sons. It reminds of times in life when my children were at an age when I felt they were truly open to instruction from my wife and I. There seems to be a desperation in the writer’s tone, as if to say to his children, “You need to get this - are you sure you’re paying attention?” If we truly value God’s Word, we should pursue the understanding of God’s Word with this same sense of desperation.  

Let us get understanding, even if, as the writer of today’s passage insists, it costs all we have.

Your Brothers in Christ,

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2020

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