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40 Day Study -Understanding - Day 17

Guywire Ministry



That’s what today’s passage is driving at. Once we have come to the realization that knowledge of Jesus is the beginning of our understanding journey with God, we should want to learn more. We should pursue deeper understanding of who God is and what He means to the course of our lives.

God made you. He’s your Creator. He knows what makes each one of you tick.  He knows how you are wired because He wired you.  He knows how you learn.  He knows what is best for your life.  That is why He lovingly gave us commands, and decrees so that we would walk in the life He intended for us.

He knows what knowledge you will need.  He knows the understanding you will need to apply His instructions in your everyday life. 

This passage is a prayer.  Teach me.  Teach me so that I may be able to learn and apply your knowledge. Pray it. Ask Him for this understanding.  He desires to give it to you.

Your Brothers in Christ,

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2020

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