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40 Day Study -Understanding - Day 1

Guywire Ministry


Welcome to the Understanding 40 Day Study. This is a journey together in the pursuit of Understanding of God’s Word and His will for our lives.   This study will unpack this year’s theme. These passages and encouragements are meant to explore deep truths about God and deep connections in His Word. We’ll learn how we understand Him, His Word and how it all relates to our lives. 

Understanding yields Hope.

In these days we need hope.  We need real hope that is unwavering. Hope in someone who is unchanging.  Hope in someone who has the ability to Shepherd us through the days we are living in.  In these days, open your heart, lean into God and allow Him to reveal more of Himself to you in ways you have never known Him.  As you understand Him, you will understand what real Hope is.

TODAY’s Encouragement:

The Chapter of Psalm 119 is so poignant for this study. Ten times the writer asks God for Understanding, ten times he reflects on the value of God’s Words and ten times he outlines the impact understanding of God’s Words can have on his life. 

God’s Word is sharp. It gets to the heart of matters. God’s Word is immensely valuable.  You will see in the days ahead how much it should be treasured and pursued. 

We need His help to understand His Words. This is a process. God leads us into the depths of His truths, gradually growing us into deeper knowledge about who He is and the layers of insight and wisdom contained in The Bible.

Each Word of His and the understanding of its meaning can have a transformative impact on your life. This understanding is like water that He pours out onto the soil of your hearts to spur growth and maturity.  

He causes us to grow.  He causes us to mature.  The outflow of this is the meaning, wisdom and joy that allows us to truly live. Have confidence in every Word God speaks, for in those Words are found life itself.  This is the truth in today’s passage. 

Start here today and ready yourselves for a journey. The Shepherd is taking us into the depths of His Understanding.

Your Brothers in Christ,

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2020

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