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30 Days of Hope - Day 14

Guywire Ministry

Brothers and Sisters,

We've spent the last couple of weeks learning about God's Hope for us. The source of this Hope is His Redemption.  The day Jesus set things right for all mankind for all time.  This is the Hope we must look to. A Hope that does not disappoint. A Hope that will not fail. A Hope that will lift us above the circumstances of our lives.

You've been learning about this Hope as your spending time and developing a Trust in Him. This passage reminds us that He longs to speak to us, to hang out with us. Whatever time you’ve been spending with Him, challenge yourselves to dig deeper. When you spend time with Him, sit a little longer and wait on Him.  Give Him a chance to communicate with you so that you will know Him more deeply. He'll always be there.

Today's scripture speaks of those that turn aside to false idols. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity to re-examine those things apart from God that we look to for our security and often times, our identity.

Lord, we pray that you will set our feet upon the rock.

Guywire Ministry

We are here for you. If any of you has questions or needs to talk with one of us in the weeks ahead, please contact us.

If there is anyone you know, man or woman, who would like to receive this email please email us.

Copyright 2020

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