Why 30 Days of Hope now?
This email study was was our very first study back in 2011. As we have all been adjusting to a new reality in our lives there is an inherent anxiety and fear permeating our nation and our world, a “what will happen next" mindset.
God has continued to remind us at Guywire that the best antidote for the dread that is gripping us is Hope. Only the Hope that is found in the true Words of God can comfort the core of our being and steady us during these days. In this time of daily changing landscapes, we encourage you to cling to the Hope of the Unchanging Words and person of God.
We have to come to know this, only the certainty found in the presence of God can counter the uncertainty of times like these. That certainty is found in a regular daily appointment with Him. If you are like many of us working from home, it seems our work days are longer and there is more coming at us each day. Before you open your eyes in the morning look at God, seek Him, ask Him to shepherd your day and then get up and read His Word. This simple and free habit will transform your perspective from fear to Hope in the days ahead.
We have come to understand the truth in today’s passage. (click on the link above). Hope is in the very DNA of God’s Word. If we make reading His Word our daily habit we will be taught, we will be encouraged and we WILL KNOW HOPE. Why is there Hope to be found in these words? One simple promise...the entirety of these words reinforce to us that God Is Near. We are not alone at this time. We are not alone to figure things out. We are not a boat left adrift on the sea not knowing where we will land.
No matter what problems, obstacles or even this pandemic, God is bigger than all of this. His capacity to be near us and Sheperd us through to the other side is something each man and woman and their families should trust in and hold onto.
Romans 15:13 states “May the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace as you Trust in Him, and may you overflow with Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
As you Trust God for each day, one day at a time you will find the Hope He promises in His Word.
God is near Brothers and Sisters, look at Him, lean into Him and Trust.
Your Brothers in Christ,
Guywire Ministry
We are here for you. If any of you has questions or needs to talk with one of us in the weeks ahead, please contact us.
If there is anyone you know, man or woman, who would like to receive this email please email us.
Copyright 2020