FREE Interactive Online Event Took Place June 6th
Watch the Replay Here
Topics Include:
Understanding God’s Word and His Will
Evaluating your Heart Condition
Value of Pursuing God’s Word
Experiencing Exponential Impact
It’s about the Pursuit of Understanding
Knowledge of God’s Word and His Will for our lives
Matter of The Hearts
The Value of His Word
Discover deep truths and connections in His Word
How we Understand (Conditions of the Heart)

The New 40 Day Study "Understanding"
FREE 40 Day Email Study – with daily email encouragements
This study unpacks the topics from CONNECT event on June 6th.
This study explores the Value and Impact of pursuing understanding of God's Word. It also dives into how we understand God's Word and the things that can impede our growth.

Video Previews of the New 40 Day Study "Understanding"
FREE 40 Day Email Study – with daily email encouragements
This study unpacks the topics from CONNECT event on June 6th.
Week 1 Preview - The Value of God's Word and the Understanding He gives with it.

Week 2 Preview - Condition 1 of the heart as defined by Jesus in the Parable of The Sower and the bearing it has on our ability to understand God's Word and bear fruit with it.

Week 3 Preview - Condition 2 of the heart as defined by Jesus in the Parable of The Sower and the bearing it has on our ability to understand God's Word and bear fruit with it.

Week 4 Preview - Condition 3 of the heart as defined by Jesus in the Parable of The Sower and the bearing it has on our ability to understand God's Word and bear fruit with it.

Week 5 Preview - Condition 4 of the heart as defined by Jesus in the Parable of The Sower and the bearing it has on our ability to understand God's Word and bear fruit with it.