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40 Day Study -Understanding - Day 5


See one. Do one. Teach one.  

This was a mantra for me during the final part of my professional training. It was a model for passing along a procedure or information and for developing the ability to share with and teach others. It was a reminder about the responsibility we had to move the information along. The interesting by-product of sharing is how both parties can be enriched as a result.  

This passage is a reminder too. We are reminded that when we are fortunate enough to receive God’s Word into our hearts, it is then our responsibility to share it along. When we share the Good News whether it is with word, action or both, we are doing what is expected.  

We are also reminded that we are not responsible for any of the multitude of steps that are needed to get that seed to its final stage. For example, we may share our testimony with a much loved family member and encourage them to take action toward accepting God’s Grace. But we certainly cannot force them to take those steps any more than a farmer can force a seed to germinate.  

Praying in advance for The Holy Spirit to provide opportunity in your everyday life for sharing God’s Grace with others is a great way to begin. We don’t see the seed growing in the soil but we trust that it is. Trust in the knowledge that God’s Word is always working even when we can’t see it. .

Your Brothers in Christ,

Guywire Ministry

Copyright 2020

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